Donna Sulja thrives on assisting woman to accelerate their development and performance. And being a spark for sustainable personal growth and habit lasting change.
Starting the coaching process-
Donna facilitates an initial check in with her clients paying close attention to the following areas of their life, being there: spirituality, joy, social life, relationships, home environment, health, physical activity, home cooking, education, career, finances, creativity. Where she will then work with them in any of the areas requiring the most support.
Donna aims to empower her clients through helping them to create stretching and inspiring habit and behaviour change that lasts and helps transform their overall wellbeing, life and happiness; by disrupting unwanted and repeating patterns in her client’s life in working through their limiting beliefs that are potentially holding them back from living their best life.
Coaching and You!
Receiving Coaching is for YOU if you want to:
- Make a big difference in the way you feel within your life experience, break free of limiting beliefs and disempowering habits and behaviours in order to truly be and feel empowered to do the things you have always felt called to do.
- Giving up on a scarcity mindset, and you’re ready to create a life of abundance.
- Be honest with yourself in sessions which are infused with fun, and a little tough love in areas that aims to get curious with you in improving your key life areas.
- Step outside your comfort zone—even when it feels scary—because that’s where the magic happens!
- Be supported and stretched by Donna in highly supportive sessions, moving you to become more an on purpose and self-driven woman.
- Let your core values be your compass for building your life’s vision.
- Stop comparing and step into your spotlight, both personally and professionally, NOW.
- Finally, combine all of your unique gifts into creating the most beautiful and successful life ever-because those gifts born from the brightest version of you!
Donna’s Coaching style adopts the following standards in her practice, these paradigms are the foundation for her approach towards all her sessions, where she will hold her clients in their highest of powers especially when they themselves are holding themselves back from illuminating in their light, some clients take time and require very incremental steps others are ready to leap for the life changing experience; either approach, at any of their stages in life, Donna knows they are brimming with potential and power- it’s in their birthright… which she will get to the core of too!
The benefits you will gain from Donna’s coaching include
Clarity – in truly discovering what you want, why you want it and how you can get it.
Strategies – and techniques which facilitates you reaching your goal faster.
Bridging – the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
Overcome – obstacles, anxiety and low confidence.
Explore – and assess all possible life choices and opportunities available to you.
Dedication – time, support, encouragement and motivation.
Remember Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life. Let’s take a closer look…
Most of the time we are all aware of precisely where it is, we want to go with our lives as well as being aware of when we are not happy in life. Only all to often don’t actually know the solution. Donna works closely with her clients by helping them in setting goals and experiences they deep down want to achieve, by establishing her client’s possession between what they could be doing, should be doing, what they ought to be doing and what it is that they truly want to be doing.
Because when an ideal goal is created – something that’s honestly desired – the client is more likely to take action to achieve it. Donna assists her clients in creating a step by step plan – an energetic and inspiring plan, helping to clear a beautiful pathway for them to achieve their goals to experience their vision as their realities.
Donna has many tools and techniques to easily and efficiently draw out the way forward for her clients. Through coaching they soon discover more options than otherwise seems available to them. Using penetrative and challenging questions in assisting her clients to decide which path is the right one for them. Once decided on what actions her client has decided to take Donna will ensure that her client is resolutely committed to achieving them, and will assist in her clients to handle any obstacles along the path to their success.
Donna’s main objective is to empower each and every one of her clients in moving forward in their lives with purposeful passion and a self-empowered outlook, helping them to close the gap from where they are to where it is, they want to be. To experience lasting change, the client will first need to start to take new actions to experience new results in their life. Donna’s Coaching assists her clients in working out what in particular they need to do differently and supports them in achieving. First starting from the inside out! – from beliefs to brick by brick.
It is a great passion of Donna’s to support her clients in updating their beliefs about themselves and their own abilities. Beliefs are not facts and can be worked with. We all must to contend with what Donna refers to as the critter brain where a part of our brain does a brilliant job in warning us about ‘that brave new action that might cause something bad to happen.’ Often our self-talk tells us what we can’t do, why we can’t do it, often providing us with the worst-case scenario – these thoughts are called ‘limiting beliefs’ and they stop the person from moving forward. These thoughts are most often born through fear. They are built up over time from what we are told or experienced during childhood, schooling and adult life, and the meanings we gave that experience through the young one’s eyes. We often inherit limiting beliefs from those closest to us in our formative years.
Limiting beliefs often create low self-confidence which can frequently result in experiences of stress and anxiety and often become obstacles to achieving what you were rightfully born to achieve. Donna’s coaching aims at uncovering her clients limiting beliefs and through conscious focus and strategies assisting her clients in overcoming them. Assisting them and also providing them with workable strategies and techniques to use to consciously create the change they are wanting to experience and then exploring the choices available.
Goals require strategies and actions in order to be achieved, it’s in deciding which are the right actions that can be the biggest challenge. Donna provides the tools that assist her clients in discovering more options that are ever available to them. Together Donna and her client explores and evaluates the advantages or potential disadvantages of each in relation to achieving the end goal and to ensure that the action works well with her client’s standards, values and beliefs. (At this stage, the client is inspired and so motivation is becoming something that she has steadily built a momentum with.) And to be sure it works in to the client’s overall vision for her life. Clients are able to reach and sustain a harmonious life whilst carrying out their inspiring life plan with clear strategies. Aiming to include having more time for people and things her clients care most for, leaving them more energised and ready to gracefully handle life’s challenges and be in the present moment, no longer missing out on the beauty before them.
Donna takes great pride in her coaching abilities and being completely dedicated to helping her clients explore and realise their dreams. The magic of coaching gives clients this dedicated support and accountability, where Donna ensures to celebrate the client’s successes along their coaching journey, celebrating small wins along the way to the larger wins helps in building confidence. Donna’s is committed to working towards her client’s visions and seeing them through into becoming their reality.
Coaching is an investment in yourself where it will benefit your entire life.
It’s important to recognise that Coaching is an investment to your life’s overall experience. As with other investments such as seeing a personal trainer, taking up yoga classes or going for a retreat getaway– which all offer temporary benefits. Donna’s Coaching provides her clients with effective tools and techniques that can be utilised ongoingly where it’s benefits are also passed down assisting further generations to come, which is what inspired Donna to start coaching woman from the start, her own impact on the world by- empowering woman in empowering themselves and to help break negative heritage cycles. When a client invests in themselves it invariably benefits their entire life and therefore those closest to them.
Experiencing an energetic, confident and joyous life is possible for us all. How much would it mean to you if you could heal your emotional pain and free up space in your mind, body and soul for a more enlightened and peaceful experience to life?
Book a complimentary appointment to discuss how Donna’s Coaching can work for you